Tuesday, April 27, 2010
People never stay the same
We think we might now someone as well as we know ourselves. For a point in time that may be true... but as time passes, they are changing more and more as a new day begins. Some people wish to be with someone until time ends, but is that really healthy? If one person is changing, either the other person will be repelled by it or change along with them. That could be a really good or really bad thing. Sometimes people change, things end, and you wish they never had. Then when theres an oppourtunity to retrieve it all, you just can't force yourself to go back to old habbits. They say "Old habbits die hard" which is true, but what if you have months and months to break those habbits and you do not want to get back into what you once had? I have heard people say "What is meant to be will be" but I do not believe that. If it was meant to be in the first place, it should have been all along. I do believe that everything happens for a reason though; we get hurt so we can become strong again and we make mistakes so we fix them and learn from what we have done wrong. If there was no wrong in the world no one would ever learn. When those tough times happen, its hard to believe that any good can come of it, but if we just hold our heads high and move on from the past we can learn that we become stronger people when we give ourselves time to get to know ourselves and individuals.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
We Always Want What We Cant Get
In all situations we as humans always want what we cant have. For example: Doesn't it seem like whenever someone is trying to eat healthy, they always crave those deep fried chicken wings drenched in fattening sauce or that bag of calorie packed cheetos? It also happens in other situations. It is impossible for all of our wants to be met, there is not an unlimited amount of resources and money, therefore, its impossible. Though not always getting what you want is difficult and frustrating, I believe it is also a good thing. We work really hard for what we want. If we just got everything handed to us, we would never be ambitious. Relationships are another good example of how we always want what is not available to us. I for one know that when I was involved in an almost 3 year relationship I never thought it would end so I didn't appreciate it as much as I should have. Then of course when it ended in October, I finally realized that I took it for granted. Friends are desired most when they are unavailable as well. I know I will always have my friends but sometimes I can be snotty with them when I shouldn't be and it makes me think about where I would be without them.
To sum it up, if we know that the things we want are the things we desire the most, why do we take them for granted when we have them and why do we always want more? I believe that it is all just one big competition in life to have the nicest things and the highest status.
To sum it up, if we know that the things we want are the things we desire the most, why do we take them for granted when we have them and why do we always want more? I believe that it is all just one big competition in life to have the nicest things and the highest status.
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Time is a funny thing. We always wish it away, yet we want more of it. I realize more and more with age that I wish away more of my life than I should. Just today for example, I was at work and kept looking at the clock wishing it was four O'clock so I could go home. Then when I got home I caught my self wanting more time to be outside and more time to do my homework. As humans, we are never satisfied. Its sad but that is just how we are. I wish I could say I always had the perfect amount of time in each day to do whatever I wanted and also have as little time as possible to do the things I don't enjoy doing. Life is short and we should all appreciate every second of it but it seems to be impossible. I know if I am having a bad day all I want is for the day to be over but if I am having a good time all I want is more time. I just think life is funny in that way. We never seem to be content with the time that we have. We under appreciate experiences we have in life and if only we opened our eyes to more we would appreciate life a heck of a lot more.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Who determines luck?
"Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity." I don't know if i really believe in that. No matter how prepared someone is; their luck could change in the blink of an eye. In our family we joke around and say that we have "the Norcutt luck" which means we all have bad luck. Though we are joking, it does always seem to turn out that we all have the history of bad luck. For example: my brother recieved a coffee pot as a gift at his wedding. When he got home he hooked it up and it turns out the coffee pot was defective. Yes it is funny, but also ironic that it is not just one of us being negetive and thinking we have bad luck but we all see it. My mother is a very realistic woman, very catholic and conservative. She always gets mad when we are negetive about situations, but even SHE believes we have the "Norcutt luck". It is just a matter of looking past it and finding ways to laugh at our luck situation that makes our family even closer. We find ways to bet and make jokes at our unfortunate situations. I believe that the Norcutt Luck has gotten me further in life and prepares me for the worst. It has made all of us stronger people and in the end luck isnt when preparation meets opportunity, but you can prepare for luck.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
What made them all fall down?

One sunny May afternoon, four friends decided to spend the day outside. One by one at each of their houses they put on their most flexible athletic clothes, gathered their roller blades and headed out to a near by park. A few minutes later all four of them pulled into the park's parking lot. They swiftly put on their roller blades and began to skate up to the sidewalk. Some of the girls were quicker than the others but they all made sure to stay close to each other. As they skated they told jokes, stories and just enjoyed each others company while getting great exercise. As four girls glided around their three mile long journey around the lake they felt a great release of stress among themselves. The weather and stress free enviroment of the lake made them feel at ease. Eventually the girls got so caught up in the fact that they were having so much fun that they completely forgot that they were still roller blading. Without paying attention all four of them ran over a big, long, snake like stick that was in the middle of the path. One by one the girls fell to the ground after tripping over the stick. To their surprise, no one got intensly hurt. Nothing more than a few scrapes and scuffs were on their skin after the great fall. As the girls laid on the ground after falling they found humor in the situation and started to laugh. Now it is fifteen years later and the four girls are still great friends. Every time they get together the story of how they all fell down gets brought up and they share a great laugh over the great memory they share.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Time to relax?
Being an 18 year old and having two jobs is not only difficult but exhausting as well. Every day is the same thing ; wake up at seven a.m. to go to school and then going to work from five to ten p.m. is a lot to take on. One may think that having two jobs is a good idea because it is a good way to save money for college and to buy nice things. In reality having two jobs in high school is the exact opposite of a good idea. For about six months now I have worked at two restaurants and the work that I do there is pretty strenuous. Not only do I get exhausted from full days of doing things I would rather not do, but I rarely get to spend quality time with my family. In August I will be leaving to attend my first year at Saint Cloud State University and I would appreciate spending a lot of time with my family before I leave. My family and I have always been very close but every since I started working two jobs I have not had all that much time to spend with them. Once in a while I have a few days off but I tend to always spend them with my friends. After thinking long and hard about how stressful having two jobs is i decided to quit one and only work at one place to enjoy my last months before I leave. Sunday will be my last day at one of my jobs and i am looking forward to next week. I have come to the conclusion that having time to myself will be a very good thing for me. I am excited to live the life that a high school student is supposed to live and enjoy having free time to spend with my family, friends and by myself.
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