Tuesday, April 27, 2010

People never stay the same

We think we might now someone as well as we know ourselves. For a point in time that may be true... but as time passes, they are changing more and more as a new day begins. Some people wish to be with someone until time ends, but is that really healthy? If one person is changing, either the other person will be repelled by it or change along with them. That could be a really good or really bad thing. Sometimes people change, things end, and you wish they never had. Then when theres an oppourtunity to retrieve it all, you just can't force yourself to go back to old habbits. They say "Old habbits die hard" which is true, but what if you have months and months to break those habbits and you do not want to get back into what you once had? I have heard people say "What is meant to be will be" but I do not believe that. If it was meant to be in the first place, it should have been all along. I do believe that everything happens for a reason though; we get hurt so we can become strong again and we make mistakes so we fix them and learn from what we have done wrong. If there was no wrong in the world no one would ever learn. When those tough times happen, its hard to believe that any good can come of it, but if we just hold our heads high and move on from the past we can learn that we become stronger people when we give ourselves time to get to know ourselves and individuals.

1 comment:

  1. True. It's a lesson most people have or will have learned. As some say, "No pain, no game." Couldn't agree more, Chels.
