Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Who determines luck?

"Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity." I don't know if i really believe in that. No matter how prepared someone is; their luck could change in the blink of an eye. In our family we joke around and say that we have "the Norcutt luck" which means we all have bad luck. Though we are joking, it does always seem to turn out that we all have the history of bad luck. For example: my brother recieved a coffee pot as a gift at his wedding. When he got home he hooked it up and it turns out the coffee pot was defective. Yes it is funny, but also ironic that it is not just one of us being negetive and thinking we have bad luck but we all see it. My mother is a very realistic woman, very catholic and conservative. She always gets mad when we are negetive about situations, but even SHE believes we have the "Norcutt luck". It is just a matter of looking past it and finding ways to laugh at our luck situation that makes our family even closer. We find ways to bet and make jokes at our unfortunate situations. I believe that the Norcutt Luck has gotten me further in life and prepares me for the worst. It has made all of us stronger people and in the end luck isnt when preparation meets opportunity, but you can prepare for luck.

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